Please join us for waiting worship in the manner of Friends, facilitated by Zoom, as we come together in the Light. We welcome you to safely light a candle as you are led. Contact us here for more information.
7pm: At the Woodlawn Meetinghouse
We gather in worship at the Woodlawn Meetinghouse, followed by friendly fellowship. Electric candles are provided.
Further Details (Previously Announced)
There will be both Zoom and In-Person worship from 7–7:30pm on Christmas Eve. Childcare is not provided, as even the smallest children are welcome and may enjoy the “candlelight” 30 minutes.
There will be piano music before and after Zoom worship and after In Person worship. There will be music a few minutes before Zoom worship and then following both Zoom and in person worship. Although the worship services will be separate, we will dial into Zoom for the carols so that those on Zoom can sing along if they feel led.
For those attending at the Meetinghouse in person, Hospitality will be providing baked goods and hot mulled cider.
A Quaker Gathering at 8990 Woodlawn Road Alexandria, Virginia 22309